Dear Friends,
I hope all of you have had a fruitful and nourishing summer.
I was able to soak up the sun’s rays, laugh with my family and eat the delicious bounty of foods that Mother Earth served me.
I have a lot of news to share with you.
1. Beginning this September, I will be teaching yoga and Ayurveda classes at The-Well. The Well is modern membership-based wellness club designed for busy urban professionals in the heart of New York City. If any of you are interested in more information on this club and how to join, please let me know and I’ll connect you to the right person.
2. I am offering Initial Ayurveda consultations for the reduced price of $75.00 (normally $180) to the first 10 people who contact me from now until October 15. If you are struggling with health issues such as exhaustion, focus, digestion, skin issues, hormone imbalances or general malaise, now is the chance for you to understand your constitution and your current imbalance and finally get to the bottom of what is really going on.
3. I am offering 2 in-depth Ayurveda workshops this fall, each are $35.
The Shala, NYC
Sunday, September 29 from 1230-3pm
Techniques for finding perfect balance: menopause, hormones and yoga.
In this workshop we will investigate specific yoga sequences, breathing techniques and daily diet or herbal remedies that can help us manage hormonal shifts associated with menopause and peri-menopause.
New Vibe Yoga, NYC
Oct. 5th from 1-330pm
Ayurveda Strategies for reducing discomfort:
In this workshop we discuss strategies to turn your monthly cycle into an enjoyable and pain free experience using Ayurvedic herbs, diet and lifestyle techniques that will help to nudge your unpleasant period symptoms into a trouble free direction. We will work on a specific yoga asana sequence that is perfect for dispelling some of the accumulated wet summer heat as we transition into the lighter and cooler autumn temperatures.
As we move into the late summer and early fall, Pitta season transforms into Vata season so along with that comes dryer, cooler and more dispersing qualities. To counter balance some of scattered feeling of Vata season, I will turn my attention to my daily routine and begin to replace the cooling coconut oil with sesame oil for my daily self-massage. I’ll also be sure to add in some softer, sweeter and more moisturizing foods like cooked sweet potato, summer squash, rice & amaranth along with generous sprinklings of grounding and warming spices such as pippali, nutmeg and cinnamon.
Here is one of my favorite Vata season dinner-time recipes. As much as I love cooking, dishwashing is not my favorite activity (my husband will confirm). Thankfully this recipe requires only one pan!

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions. 9172157710 or [email protected]
Enjoy your last few weeks of summer.
Love to you all,