Women’s Intake KARRI JINKINS, AYURVEDIC HEALTH COUNSELOR, YOGA TEACHER 9172157710 * www.karrijinkins.com Women's Intake Name: Current Age: Age when menses started: Age when menopause started: (if applicable, circle all that apply if currently experiencing menopause symtoms.) hot flashesvaginal drynessloss of sex drivenight sweatslow energymood swingspoor memory Date of last menstrual cycle Average length of cycle: Average days of flow: PMS (circle all that apply) sore breastsbloatedfatiguecravingsemotionalcramping Other: Menstruation (circle all that apply) crampingbloatedfatiguecravingsemotionalheadachesclotsspottingdigestion issues Other: Are you periods (circle all that apply) heavylightpainfulirregular Color of menstrual blood (circle all that apply). If fluctuate, mark all that apply. pale/light redredbright reddark reddark red/brown Have you been diagnosed with any of the following (circle all that apply) endometriosisPCOSPIDinfertilityprolapseUTI Other: # of pregnancies: # of children: # of miscarriages/abortions: Reproductive health surgeriesbirth controlHRTNHRT/progesterone creamprolapseUTIImmediate family member with breast, uterine or ovarian cancerFibroid tumors or ovarian cystsAbnormal Pap Date of last Pap test Client’s Signature (Or Parental Representative): Date: Client’s Email: